Dogs By Diane
Photographs Needed For Portrait
The key to enabling me
to create a portrait most like your pet is GREAT photographs!
When I work on
portraits I blow the pictures WAY up to see minute details such as, how
the fur grows near the eye corners, what your dog's flews look like and
so forth. I also make several different versions of each photo: normal,
light, super light and mega light again so that I can see important
details like shading and fur pattern.
Without good, clear photos of good to great resolution I cannot do any
of those things.
What I need from you, the client, is some nice to great quality
photographs that are of good size.
I need at MINIMUM 4 photos and may ask you for more, or for closer
photos of specific parts.
IF I ask for more photos PLEASE pay attention to the angle I need them
from and the focus.
Prefer 8 X10 or larger and 150-300dpi
(I am on dialup internet so remember to email them to me INDIVIDUALLY
or load them on a private webpage for me to download)
Smaller photos but still in the 150-300 dpi range can be used as
reference for additional features (eye shape or marking pattern for
example) but the primary 1-2 photographs need to meet my above criteria
Smaller photos, or photos of lower resolution MAY work for some details
but also may not.
ALSO and of equal importance is the dog's pose. It should be flattering
to the dog and I prefer to NOT draw tongue out dogs.
When you send me your pictures please keep the above in mind and I can
send you an example by email of an almost perfect example of what I
Diane Richardson
Dogs By Diane
Below are two photos that LOOK perfect BUT are in fact too small and
low in resolution to work with except as reference photos for certain
large additional details
is a photo of what your portrait will look like (matting varies
according to your dog's colors) when you open the package.
The portrait is matted, has a back
board and acrylic glass (see portrait info link for details about these) and
the entire thing is wrapped in cellophane to keep everything together.
be sure to keep the cellophane on until the framer is ready to install
into a frame to minimize dust etc from getting behind the glass or mat
You will also get an email with
detailed information about the drawing and the materials used and how
to care for your portrait.